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Medical Biology


The LNS Medical Biology Department offers a wide range of activities, including specialized biochemistry and hormone analysis, diagnosis of inborn errors of metabolism, and allergology. The department is responsible for neonatal screening for Luxembourg and has developed the unique medical toxicology laboratory in the country.

The LNS Medical Biology Department serves a diverse range of clients, including private laboratories, hospitals, as well as the general population encompassing occupational medicine, associations for drug addicts, correctional facilities, socio-educational centers, the military, and maternity clinics. Furthermore, the department takes charge of the Centralised Samples Reception.


MEET OUR scientists

MEET OUR scientists


"Implementing and modernising our Quality Management System has enabled us to improve our services so that we can provide a quality result for our patients and customers."

Amélie Dewalque

Quality Referent


"The implementation of a QMS promotes a culture of continuous improvement in the laboratory. It is an essential factor in guaranteeing the mastery of our analytical methods, the safety and reliability of the results provided to patients, as well as ensuring the confidence of our partners and the credibility of the laboratory."

Frédéric Grandjean

Laboratory Technician


"As quality referent for LNS's Centralised Reception (CR), I am proud to have taken the department to its OLAS accreditation since 2017. CR has a crucial role at LNS: to ensure compliance with the rules of the pre-analytical process, the key role of the entry point for every biological sample from laboratories, hospitals and organisations in the country."

Estelle Panarotto

Laboratory Technician



Analyses in pharmacology / hormonology


Neonatal & metabolic analyses


Samples registered at central reception